Anti-12 Steps Book
Available in hard copy or e-book, this is the complete guide to using the Anti-12 steps with your group or program.
only $19.99
An eye-opening look at how addict's minds work.
Understanding the 44 answers the way addicts do.
Additional topics and discussion chapters
The Anti-12 steps AND the Anti-12 Traditions.
Everything you need to use this method with your own group or program.
You Didn't Fake Addiction, Don't Fake Recovery.
The only update to the 12 steps ever created.
"Almost 20 years of work and fine tuning have gone into building the ultimate companion to the 12 steps"
It turns out that the way out of addiction is simply to go back "the way you came".
The problem is that most addicts don't know how they got where they are.
Contact today to get started: 1-206-724-9315
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Michael D Visger
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Addict Talk
"I didn't understand until I saw the Anti-12 Steps, but once I did, it all made sense how things fit.”
Sarah, 41
“I couldn't see how my addiction fit with others trying to help me. Before the Anti-Steps I thought my addiction was unique. Then I came to see how predictable addiction really is, and why the steps work to fix it.”
Tate, 26
“At first I thought it was some kind of joke. Turns out the joke was on me, I was living the Anti-Steps almost to perfectly
Andie, 19
“I wanted nothing to do with religion or a higher power. Turns out I had one of my own making all along. I just chose a really bad one.”
Ken, 31
“I've been doing this for so long I thought I'd seen and understood it all. Turnes out I didn't know the steps as well as I thought i did.”
Daniel, 51
Chapter Highlights
Just some of the topics in the book
1 The Drugs 12 promises.
If We pretend we're unaware of the discomfort in our lives, we can amazed by what drugs can do for us.
1. We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness without much visible work.
2 The 44 Answers, as told by the "Smart Addict".
Q: How can I tell if I'm an addict?
A: If you wake up in the gutter or are homeless maybe you're an addict, those people are weak. They don't go to work and pay the bills like we do. They lay around with a needle in their arm.
3 A Spoon Full of Sugar.
Many people assume the Anti-12 steps are against the 12 Steps, or opposed to them. Yes, it's entirely possible for an addict to use the Anti-12 steps to justify their behavior, if they take the Anti-steps out of context completely. . .
Other Step Versions
Find your needed version of the Anti-Steps, regardless of what addiction you're dealing with there is a way the Anti-Steps can help you too. The Anti Concept for the steps is universal for all 12 step variations with just a little adaptation for the individual addiction.
NA Narcotics Anonymous
1. I declared that I have total control over my drug use and that I can completely manage my life and still use drugs.
(We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction, that our lives had become unmanageable.)
GA Gamblers Anonymous
1. I declared that I have total control over my betting and that I can completely manage my life and still win.
(We admitted we were powerless over gambling - that our lives had become unmanageable.)
MA Marijuana Anonymous
1. I declared that I have total control over my pot use and that I can completely manage my life and still get high.
(We admitted we were powerless over marijuana, that our lives had become unmanageable.)